The cake analogy: In-market vs. out-of-market pageviews

I think almost everyone can agree that pageviews are important for any news site. The more pageviews you have, the more of a splash you’re making — and the more you can charge for advertising. Nevertheless, for local sites, some pageviews are better than others. Thus the cake analogy. Think of pageviews from within your coverage area as cake mix, and pageviews from outside your coverage area (such as those sent via or Fark) as the frosting. Sure, you … Read More

Blast from the past: Subprime meltdown

For my journalism capstone course, my group and I produced a website about the subprime meltdown with an emphasis on Rockbridge County, Va. I created the website, copy-edited the articles, put together the images, took photographs and put on the finishing touches. I’m most proud, however, of a slideshow and an infographic I put together: Slideshow: The Path to Eviction Infographic: Dominos on Wall Street